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Painting Practice Cardiff
Wolf Studios Wales
Glass Avenue
CF24 5EN


VP, R&D and Techvis

Our virtual production and RnD hub, and home to our bespoke software Plan V.

Here is where innovative techniques, developments and research help both us and our clients, as well as give back to the creative community.

VP, R&D and Techvis


Plan V is our virtual studio, that allows filmmakers to explore 3D environments and plan shots in real time, alongside traditional previs and techvis processes.

Our bespoke plug in, PLAN V TOOLS 2.0 and PLAN V POSE facilitate the use of Unreal Engine, adapting it specifically to filmmaking. Its user friendly interface means just about anyone can dive in. Harnessing the power of real time rendering and multi-user functionality, Plan V has proven to be a hugely valuable tool in the fast paced world of television and film production.

VP, R&D and Techvis


Before it was even really a phrase people used, Dan May and the team had beenexploring VP techniques on the first season of Black Mirror in 2011. With very littlemoney available, he and Joel built sets out of screens, with live graphics andenvironments captured in camera. A pre-historic volume stage, you might call it. Thisgrew into other basic volume workflows on later episodes.Not long after, Dan began arming directors and producers with VR headsets andwatching them step onto set builds before they were built – from then on it has held apermanent space in our workflow.

VP, R&D and Techvis
VP, R&D and Techvis
VP, R&D and Techvis
VP, R&D and Techvis

VP, R&D and Techvis


Pre-visualisation has always been at heart of how we problem solve. So it only made sense to bring this process into the future, and utilise virtual production techniques and technologies for our previs, techvis and even postvis.

VP, R&D and Techvis

  • Visual development
  • Previs + Postvis
  • VP + Tech Labs
  • VFX Design
  • Graphics
Polar bear with a scratched nose wearing a helmet

His dark materials

  • Visual development
  • Previs + Postvis
  • Graphics

Outside the Wire